Your Astrological "birth map" is a journey that will keep leading you to better versions of yourself!
The Heavens planetary signs &
"sacred geometric" alignments are wisdom keys..pathways that help you understand both motive & opportunity!
Many times over the years of working with hundreds of eager clients I've been asked:
"How many times should I get further natal chart or annual cosmic sessions? "
I can assure one will KNOW all the vast knowledge this star map contains in one hour consultation!!!
Are you not more fascinating. ..
More in depth as a person than what just a single consult would reveal??? Of course you..your character development AS WELL AS the vision quests ahead involving your destiny; soul mission certainly will involve more study...more treasures of insight!
Just like one gets excited about going on a physical journey to a new place...that is your external journeys. ..
ASTROLOGY allows your inner journey to bloom...discovering your hidden gems of potentials....
Most importantly. better to get "unlocked" free from HIDDEN problems / internal anxieties!
Astrology IS NOT...NOT...!!!
"Something one believes in like a religious choice!"
It's an ART...a soft psychology!
Learning your YIN / YANG of your chart positions..your Element dominance points..
Do you have more water?? A lot of Fire in this life portrait????
It's also a grand companion of self analysis that you can embark into for years to come!
My question for you is -
"WHY WOULDN'T you WANT to learn about your divine starry map?"
Why wouldn't you benefit A LOT by knowing your annual COSMIC WEATHER FORECAST ahead of those 12 months ahead?
2019 ☆ IS destined to be our ACTION year!
Allow this valuable insight knowledge of our 2019 eclipses...monthly FULL MOON signs.
NEW MOON cycles of beginnings...basically how the current celestial transits will be triggering YOUR personal life map!!!
NEW YEAR...Better version of you-emerging!
Come...experience ancient wisdom skills & celestial insights ahead in 2019!
Begin YOUR involvement in learning your map of destiny ...
How to unlock the benefits!
Your "Sun" sign...Solar sign is the light of your EGO..EXTERNAL personality. ..
Your "Lunar" Moon sign defines that inner you..subconscious habits embedded from early childhood's your inner mask...innermost desires.
The sign on the horizon at your birth this lifetime..the time line of your actual birth:
Known as your ascending sign / rising sign; is your unique soul signature!!!
The Ascendant is the front door to your chart.
Learn how these 3 signs in your personal celestial map grant you annual times of empowered living!
I'm ready to help teach you ...more wondrous aspects about your higher self power points!
So...take an adventure unlike any other -
Invest in yourself!
To THINE Own true!
Mystic ☆Mary☆