Roller Coaster Cosmically !!!
We are so close to one of the shifts I have been looking forward to, and will be one of the bigger change points of 2024.
August 19th is the magical day. not only do we have a full moon in Aquaurius square Uranus. but we also have a T - square between Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus. This is going to open up a new adventure and dream for us to work towards. and suddenly after this week, we will be feeling more motivated and like all this work, is no problem at all.
Pluto coming back into Capricorn in 16 days will also energize us, so even if it looks bad at the moment. there are great days ahead!
27 degrees Leo ♌️/ Aquarius Supermoon
90 degrees challenge by Uranus in Stubborn Taurus ♉️
Choose your words..actions../ reactions carefully now !!!
AGAIN ...KEEP vigilant..awake ..AWARE of developments..
Keep your spiritual seatbelt fastened, as the next full moon, which peaks on August 19 at 11:26 AM PDT at 27º Aquarius-Leo incorporates several highly galvanizing alignments. Uranus plays a starring role, as it tightly squares this full moon, impelling us to question our motivations, reexamine our assumptions, and follow our inner guidance. The keynote of this full moon is perception. Where do we need to think way out of the box? Where are we being called to have a change of mind and a change of heart? Where are we ready for a quantum leap? Uranian energy requires that we be as open, grounded, and flexible as possible. This is breakdown/breakthrough energy, which can be highly creative and transformative, but also quite turbulent and disruptive. Amplifying the volatility are two dynamic T-squares, one fixed in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Aquarius), and the other in mutable (Gemini-Virgo-Pisces) challenging us to transcend old beliefs and awaken to broader understandings. Plus this is the first of four Super full moons in a row, intensifying tugs on ocean tides and our emotional bodies as well. Full moons also bring light to the dark, illuminating the shadow side of the signs involved, as well as their evolutionary intent. Leo seeks to discover and express its authentic self. Its shadow side can either hide or hog the spotlight, craving attention because it hasn’t felt safe or possible to live their truth. Aquarius seeks to experience the exponential power of community and being an agent of change; its dark can be a rebel or a sheep, exposing high ideals without embodying them, unaware that all real change begins with an inner revolution, an awakening in consciousness. (These are TITHES of my professional expertise & personal time !
Mystic Mary
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