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Solar Leo Eclipse impact each sign-2017 -2019.

The Lion roars in our birth charts now!

From our Major Total Solar Eclipse of August 21 into February of 2018..

A Six month SOUL CLEARING / Awakening trek has now commenced!!!

The dual impetus of Aquarius & Leo will be the Captains of this ship..this vision quest.

It's Destiny!

Signs O' the Times!

Eclipse themes Leo / Aquarius..

ARIES - 5th house..

the Leo Eclipse spotlight shines in your 5th house..

The primary focus is on liberty so you can offer up more of your humour us self in this life!

The past 18 months ( 2015 -2017) were filled with facing acute personal tests & trials, really learning about others motives.

Often when others leave us..or become distant with emotional support- it forces out own inner strengths; difficult pill t swallow it can be, but all in all it teaches us a lot about our resilience! 

Partnership disappointment certainly became a theme as 2015 began, now with sign Leo in favorable position to your own sign- limitations will lift.

Your creativity zone is now "lit up!"

All that you engage your creative artistry into will bring you bright results, if you have children...emerging talents surface.

You'll see the rewards of your dedicated efforts!

Trust where your intuition urges you to go.

TAURUS- 4th house..

Home & family matters are where you'll shine!

A deeper understanding of your strengths & frustrations will keep your focus.

Certain family members will become the reason your tribe bonds deeper together in support of one another. 

A male relative may have to understand his attitude has created alienation or rejection circumstance where it never should have been in the first place!

You may be the one called upon to mediate or intervene. 

It's going to be a family chess game over the next year & 1/2.

At times during the next 6 months it can be a struggle to balance career expansions over family demands!

You decide about delegating or giving more responsibility of management to another as you are weary of its stress creating moments.

Issues of jealousy & greediness must be corrected in 2018.

Someone's outright domination or ego must be called out .

Certain long standing difficult issues can finally achieve that peaceful resolve.

There will also need to be appropriate boundaries of respect set into motion.

Discussions from the heart are the best. 

GEMINI-3rd house..

 Teaching...learning..singing..exploring all sorts of fascinating verbal senarias are exactly where you'll want to be.

New methods of absorbing knowledge or even indulgence with technological props will not only speed the expertise needed, but help modernize & streamline your ability to share it / teach it!


This next 6 month time line accelerates valuable new skills!

You can become that sought after instructor or even open a center..

Investigate media outlets to help promote your story!

Stimulate interviews! 

CANCER- 2nd house...

Our recent solar eclipse in Leo WILL light up new benefits that empower brighter areas of resources & material manifestations. 

Since 2008 your sign has had quite the financial roller coaster rides!

Struggles of both residence and romances became draining! 

Several former relationships had to be cast away as you were shown their "true colors" of agenda!

At felt hurt due to all the giving of your time ..heart felt generosity & efforts to show affection!

Keep in mind always though Cancer, if you are lending support or resources upon someone-you DO EXPECT loyalty and respect.

That is a "string attached" mode you produce when giving to another - perhaps it is also YOU that needs lessons emotionally.

Every Cancer sign I've counseled over the years secretly seeks to secure emotional ANCHORS!

Cancer thrives when needed, but often fail to see how emotionally needy THEY ARE!

Your sign craves personal nurturing..easy for you to see how to nurture or calm another's storm. .but you need also to know Who YOU can turn to in times if need.

Leo eclipses will help your resilience. 

Cancer needs to know they matter. .who will tuck them in at night- give them a bedtime story!

Your sign thrives with emotional security,  the next 6 month cycle supports you meeting more compatible partners.

It's about time!

Romantic stories are about to be written with you as the star.

LEO- 1st house...

Well regal lions..not since 1999 have the Solar / Lunar eclipses been only in your star sign exclusively! 

The Sun is your own the life changes of 2017 through the beginning of 2019 will be bold & at times drastic.

Expect ALL situations that have been problematic or hidden below the surface to erupt -in order to achieve resolution.

Better will evolve from these sudden issues! 

Fated meetings...even needed farewells will emerge during the next 18 months.

If the career or home life has gotten stale..too predictable. ..a roaring set of changes are on your horizon.

Heart filled emotional moments that are both profound & bittersweet become your teachers!

LEO must feel OK in trusting their gut level instincts..that intuitive compass.

A lot of you Leo's will ponder a relocation prior to 2019!

VIRGO- 12th house..

The Great American Leo eclipse lit up your zone of solitude..your SECRETS.

That which only you want to investigate or get MORE involved with.

You are craving people or places that recharge your inner self.

Satisfaction blooms only if your anxiety is kept at a minimum!

You'll not tolerate pushy people with covert agendas invading your own peaceful pastures.

Right now..drama seeking types of personalities make you cringe!

To you..DRAMA creates KARMA!

More than once you'll have to back a selfish ego driven socially needy person up!

You are now "seeing " with clearer eyes just how much has been given up in order to keep the peace!

Now..after recouping from the shocks personally that hit you since are in need to faces or places that refresh. 

There will be a major birth of self as 2018 progresses, celebrating the personal authentic life is the motto you will cheer!

Hope in the immediate future guides your entire newfound holistic approaches.


LIBRA- 11th house..

Wishes & Social circles..

Why are you so involved with debating or defending with with others socially?

Take that verbal edginess one is "RIGHT" all of the time!

If someone always has to prove why they are "right" all the time, it speaks about how insecure they are inside!

Stop instigating conflicts of words or data competions!

The Aquarius lunar eclipse of August keeps intimate stimulus foremost in your mind, you are a dynamo sensually.

Being too forceful a personality will distance others however, work your magic with charming others not seeking to control them.

Be passive..listen more than preach!

In health matters ..keep a watchful monitor on your digestive area..gall bladder or colitis eruptions often happen when chronic stress or repressed angers build up too long.

Virgo rules the digestion..this past Leo eclipse could trigger many of you to seek out a specialist to correct nervous tension effects!

This 11th house solar eclipse will most likely force you to correct what's wrong!

Friends need upgrading..we ARE affected by who we share our energies with.

When we lose a friend in life, we also lose wishes, as friends contain wishes..very unique wishes.

2018 involves you seeking to express your desires.

SCORPIO- 10th house.

Priority status..reputation..talents.

Leo & Aquarius are fixed zodiac signs like yours, the 4 fixed signs are leadership energies.

It's HOW you lead & WHAT you choose to follow that matters most over the next 18 month cycle! 

Leo shines the biggest Spotlight of all, & for your sign this will be involving both your career status and where you choose to live.

Powerful contacts you make can assist your path of liquidating a current work path while helping you glide onto brand new adventures.

You Scorpio signs are craving a major life overhaul, you are ready to break up & away from tension ridden factors!

Given just the right offer to unload weighted resonsibilities will jump into a 180 degree lifestyle change!

Leo helps bring BIG OFFERS..major life style changes, so be ready and willing to accept that good offer.

2018 brings quite a few sweet spots as Jupiter enters your sign in October of 2017, bringing all sorts of opportunities to expore!

It's been 12 years  since the planet of prosperity and expansion has occupied your sign!

Embrace the wonderful !


Sacred Spiritual connections...higher ...philosophy outreach.

Saturn will finally exit your sign this autumn, the last 3 years have kept your attention upon core level behaviors that needed to be deeply understood.

Saturn tends to "force feed" the sign it transits lessons of compliance to higher standards in all intimate connections.

Many a Sagittarius faced marital stand offs from 2014 into this year!

Saturn transits ONLY hit our signs every 30 the last three years harken back to the 1984-1987 events you faced.

If you ponder WHAT your life / family themes were back can better see the repeating psychological issues!

The recent LEO eclipse is in the fire your own sign; this will lift the heavy personal must allow those people who disrespect you or drain you with their self centered demands to go own down the road!

Certain break ups are actually healthier!

So stick to the facts rather than sulk from feeling like you failed!

Guilt solves nothing..enforce better behaviors.

CAPRICORN - 8th house..

Death ...birth...transitions that matter!

Leo triggers the zone of your chart that creates a face to face awakening of those life crisis situations of heightened mystery & magic.

A deeper personal connection with the Divine Creator. ..your own attitudes surrounding insights about the supernatural ways of influence ..even profound communications telepathically with loved ones.

Your own vanity comes into focus..are you freaked out over the natural aging process? 

Rushing out to get a breast augmentation to enhance that insecurity?

Copious facial fillers or injections? ?

What are you trying to hide behind?

Time to work on SELF ACCEPTANCE!

Sexual conquests do not define true attractiveness..

Opt to improve your own self confidence whether you get compliments on your outside self image or not!

This next six months is about learning a better walk with the DIVINE SOURCE.

And...time to face the facts that all physical things age...die...transform from how we knew them, but the love energy always our side.

Work in giving more ..being generous rather than so self centered.

You Capricorn now need a partner or relationship interested in transforming not just conforming!!!!

AQUARIUS -7th house zone.

All Significant others..all intimate relationships come under extremely focused scrutiny during August 2017 through February 2018...

Those weak aspects that can strain good communication or resolutions will be intense...ONLY in order to correct broken modalities!

Deep conversations..sincere outreach moments MUST HAPPEN..Assume nothing!

Strive to confront & clear those misunderstandings or actions that weaken your key associations!

Incredible powerful connections can arrive directed by the winds of fate!

Bold bright life births. intimate frontiers are coming forth like never before from 2017-2019!

Many among you will meet your soul flame partners.

Any deaths now are teaching / Incredible heart healing experiences in that you will be forever transformed through the experience.

November of 2017 & February of 2018 bring forth the new destined moments of impact. 

PISCES- 6th house region..

Overall health matters..mind..body..soul health protocols ..

Holistic approaches vs. Pharmaceutical dependency. 

This IS the most crucial cycle of the last 20 years for your sign to monitor ANY stress factors. 

Resolve to eliminate ANYTHING..any lingering GUILT FACTORS over your past behaviors or aberrant choices because your embedded cellular level "haunts" can launch illnesses or pain tied to all you have shoved deeply into your private unconscious memories!

Strive to obtain professional counseling. .

Intuitive assistance so you can RELEASE those old fears or destructive fears.

The PAST can influence your present in either healthy or debilitating ways.

These eclipses are instigating you to Finally clear away childhood or former relationship abusive stories. 


Do this..allowing Spiritual Grace to help you "BREAK UP" with all that haunts you is the key...the key to enhance your true wellness.

Bold & brighter life enjoyments!

Attend to your innermost memories. 

It's time!

Supernatural medicine is your ally!

I am a professional intuitive counseler..

An enlightenment engineer. ..

Contact me for your Awakening Consultation! 

Mystic Mary

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